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The Guardian – CBI stops staff discussing sexual misconduct and bullying claims 

The Guardian leads with a report which says the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) is using gagging clauses to prevent staff from discussing experiences of sexual misconduct and bullying. It writes up to 10 non-disclosure agreements have been signed in the past year at the scandal-hit lobbying group. 

Elsewhere, the paper says more than four million hours of raw sewage discharges poured into rivers and seas last year in the UK, a 129% increase on the past 12 months.

The front page also features an image of the wreckage of the Baltimore Bridge collapse – following a ship collision.

Thailand marriage equality - bill passes in lower house recognising same-sex marriage

Thailand moves to legalise same-sex marriage

Thailand’s lower house has passed a bill giving legal recognition to same-sex marriage. It will next head to the Senate and then need a royal endorsement to become law. But

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