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Latest news bulletin  July 8th – Morning EU

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Deadlock on EU nature restoration law ‘a tragedy’: Bioenergy scientist Andre Faaij EU

Political groups in the European Parliament are on manoeuvres ahead of a key vote on the EU’s proposed Nature Restoration Law on July 12. The draft legislation is seen as key to restoring millions of hectares of degraded land across Europe, but it has already been rejected by three parliamentary committees. Our guest, Utrecht University scientist Andre Faaij, argues that the stalling of the law is a “tragedy”, as what it “wants to achieve is very important for future food production”, as well as for reforestation. Faaij addresses the many potential benefits of restoring damaged habitats, including responsible production of biofuels that could be crucial to Europe’s energy transition and its quest for energy independence.

In 2022, Spain was the country in Europe worst hit by forest fires. More than 300,000 hectares went up in smoke in almost 50 separate fires. Due to drought and global warming, the Spanish government has decided to start this year’s prevention plan a month and a half early. Across the nation, regional governments, which each have their own firefighting unit, are preparing for the risk of blazes. Our correspondents report from the southern region of Valencia.

Digital currencies have grown in popularity. Unlike bitcoin, the digital euro would be a central bank digital currency (CBDC), essentially, electronic cash. The aim is to offer consumers an alternative Europe-wide payment option.

French suburbs: Fresh protests against police violence rooted in decades of harassment, inequality EU

When a police officer last week shot and killed a resident of Paris’s suburb of Nanterre, 17-year-old Nahel M., it unleashed a wave of unrest across France – an echo of similar protests launched by youth living in housing projects two decades earlier. Billions of euros of investment in the years since have done little to calm anger over police harassment and poor living conditions in France’s housing projects.