Browsing: EU

The latest news from the EU News. Headquarters is located in Brussels with our correspondents and political analyst breaking down the news piece by piece, in-depth and relevant, so you can understand the news with perspective on our dedicated news page for the latest Euro News 24 hours a day.

An American economist is at the center of controversy after being appointed as the European Commission’s chief competition economist. Fiona Scott Morton is leaving her life as a professor at Yale University to take up the job. Her appointment has prompted a wave of protest mostly from French politicians. FRANCE 24’s European Affairs Editor Armen Georgian tells us more.

Russia halted a breakthrough wartime deal on Monday that allowed grain to flow from Ukrainian ports to countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, where hunger is a growing threat and high food prices have pushed more people into poverty. Western leaders and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres denounced the move. Follow FRANCE 24’s live coverage of the war in Ukraine. All times are Paris time (GMT + 2).

The Kremlin said Friday that it is considering granting legal status to some of the more than two dozen private military companies active in Russia. Legally, these shadow paramilitary groups do not exist – which allows them to operate parallel to Russia’s armed forces, at times doing high-risk “dirty” jobs for the army while giving Moscow a measure of deniability.

Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond – latest news, breaking news, World, Business, Entertainment, Politics, Culture, Travel.

Summer has just begun in the Northern Hemisphere but a brutal heat wave is already gripping parts of Europe, China and the United States, where record temperatures expected this weekend are a stark illustration of the dangers of a warming climate.