Wembley where local property prices are one-third cheaper than the Greater London average.
If you’re planning on travelling from Heathrow soon, you’d be wise to check the strike dates.
Officers said their duty to prevent disruption outweighed the right to protest.
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It’s what Charlie would want.
A number of Metro readers have shared their favourite coronation memories, including one grandmother who will watch her third crowning of a monarch on Saturday.
The total of 578,374 applicants have broken the world record of entries for that distance.
Critics have condemned the move as ‘dystopian’ and claim it threatens civil liberties.
Detectives believe the woman ‘has come to harm’.
This sums it all up right now.
Professional dog walker Paul Jennings was forced to grapple the out-of-control dog after it mauled his wife.
Everything you need to know to get around town.
‘There people who need help,’ he adds, ‘and we need to do it.’
‘My staff were all so traumatised when they came back. They all had tears in their eyes, it was awful. We heard that he was their only child.’
Firefighters can be seen at the scene of the incident (Picture: Forrest Allison-Brown)
A ‘dramatic’ fire has broken out in a residential area in south London tonight.
Plumes of dark smoke can be seen billowing in the sky above Elephant and Castle.
Accounts of the incident believed to taking place in the Walworth Road area first appeared around 7.30pm.
Footage shared on Twitter shows flames coming out of a block of flats, but the exact location has not been confirmed yet.
Social media has been flooded with videos of the ‘crazy’ fire as the area filled with smoke.
‘Elephant and Castle filling with smoke from a fire somewhere in Walworth. Hope people are ok,’ one person tweeted.
It is still unclear how the blaze started and if residents have been evacuated.
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To get the latest news from the capital visit Metro.co.uk’s visit Metro’s London news hub.
Metro.co.uk has contacted the London Fire Brigade for a further comment.
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‘I could have done more backward walking to prepare, but it is hard to fit in alongside your regular forward walking.’
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