Browsing: France

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France celebrates its f?te nationale every year with fireworks, concerts and an extravagant military parade down the Champs-?lys?es in the presence of the president, a bevy of politicians and often a foreign head of state as an honoured guest. The July 14 date of the f?te commemorates two important events in French history. FRANCE 24 takes a look at the holiday’s origins and what to expect on the day.

French suburbs: Fresh protests against police violence rooted in decades of harassment, inequality EU

When a police officer last week shot and killed a resident of Paris’s suburb of Nanterre, 17-year-old Nahel M., it unleashed a wave of unrest across France – an echo of similar protests launched by youth living in housing projects two decades earlier. Billions of euros of investment in the years since have done little to calm anger over police harassment and poor living conditions in France’s housing projects.