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The Guardian – Budget plan risks forcing UK into second lost decade, Hunt warned 

The chancellor has been warned his plans for the budget this week could risk worsening living standards across the country, according to The Guardian’s lead story.

The paper reports on polling which found that tackling NHS waiting lists and fixing the UK’s other public services rank higher in the list of voters’ priorities than current levels of taxation. 

The paper also says an analysis by anti-poverty charity the Joseph Rowntree Foundation suggests tax cuts would risk condemning Britain to a “lost decade” for living standards and leave working families £1,900 a year worse off.

'Tax cuts for the wealthy?' - Budget speculation dominates the front pages - Paper Talk

‘Tax cuts for the wealthy?’ – Paper Talk

Many of Monday’s newspapers continue to share their expectations for the Wednesday Budget. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is hoping to introduce tax cuts in the upcoming Budget – a key policy

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