US President and his family incite Islamophobic and hate rhetoric towards an American Muslim Congresswomen
Author: WTX News Editor
Last week, the Pakistan foreign minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that ‘Pakistan had credible intelligence that India was planning another attack in Pakistan very soon.’
Earlier today speaking to a crowd, in Coventry, he said he wanted to start a ‘democratic revolution to change politics’.
The ‘Yellow Vest’ protesters have caused months of embarrassment for the French president.
Huge crowds of jubilant Sudanese had begun thronging squares across the center of Khartoum
German prosecutors are concerned that RAW operatives are using other Indians to spy on German Citizens
After a tense and long meeting, European leaders offered the UK another Brexit extension until Oct. 31 to negotiate its exit from the European Union. The UK will now take part in the EU elections and assuming parliament approves, they will form a new deal to leave on Halloween. The decision was the result of a high-stakes, six-hour summit in Brussels that saw prime ministers and presidents gather from across the continent to determine Britain’s fate. The prime minister…
Netanyahu is no pushover, he held Trump to account, more than once!
“It is a night of colossal victory,” to a crowd of cheering supporters
A symbol of Palestinian opposition to Israeli military rule.
Libya crisis: Fighting flares on outskirts of Tripoli
The government has also said it will review laws dealing with hate speech and called for social media giants to do more to combat online extremism.
May said Britain would prepare for the EU elections, but she still hoped that an agreement would be reached sooner
The latest breaking news on Israel election 2019
More firing in #Kashmir – Deaths & injured civilians – second deadly firing this this week
Around the world, we are seeing ever-rising anti-Muslim hatred, anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia
She said she would seek a further extension to the UK leaving the EU until the end of May.
His departure comes after 20 years of rule, with the veteran of the independence struggle finally losing his grip after weeks of massive street protests
Three soldiers of the Pakistan Army were killed and one was seriously wounded
When MPs meet again on Wednesday “the UK has a last chance to break the deadlock or face the abyss
Catholic priests in Poland burned books they say are sacrilegious this weekend, including the Harry Potter series of fantasy novels. The burning took place in front of a church in Gdansk after Sunday mass. The post, on a page run by the Catholic “SMS from Heaven” evangelical group, stirred controversy and has gone viral. “We obey the Word,” priests said in a Facebook post showing photographs of the public book burning and quoting Biblical passages…
Palestinians in Gaza are depressed and frustrated because suffering has become a feature of our daily life.
The event comes after some of the most dire warnings yet on the state of Earth’s natural habitat and species.
Determination alone does not win the support of a bitterly divided chamber
This is the first major development in updating the Vatican’s archaic sexual abuse laws.