Author: WTX News Editor

The WTX News Teams works around the clock to deliver, breaking news and news Briefings to you on a daily basis. It is our opinion that sometimes you need information, not speculation so we try to cut through the bull**** and give you that in your Daily News Briefing.

After a tense and long meeting, European leaders offered the UK another Brexit extension until Oct. 31 to negotiate its exit from the European Union. The UK will now take part in the EU elections and assuming parliament approves, they will form a new deal to leave on Halloween. The decision was the result of a high-stakes, six-hour summit in Brussels that saw prime ministers and presidents gather from across the continent to determine Britain’s fate. The prime minister…

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Catholic priests in Poland burned books they say are sacrilegious this weekend, including the Harry Potter series of fantasy novels. The burning took place in front of a church in Gdansk after Sunday mass. The post, on a page run by the Catholic “SMS from Heaven” evangelical group, stirred controversy and has gone viral. “We obey the Word,” priests said in a Facebook post showing photographs of the public book burning and quoting Biblical passages…

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