Author: WTX News Editor

The WTX News Teams works around the clock to deliver, breaking news and news Briefings to you on a daily basis. It is our opinion that sometimes you need information, not speculation so we try to cut through the bull**** and give you that in your Daily News Briefing.

Greta Thunberg among young people filing legal suit for systemwide climate emergency to be declared a global level 3 emergency UN to declare ‘systemwide climate emergency’ Greta Thunberg and youth climate activists from around the world are filing a legal petition to the UN secretary-general urging him to declare a climate emergency. As Cop26 enters its final days, climate campaigners were due to file a legal document on Wednesday calling on António Guterres to use emergency powers…

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Megxit is a misogynistic term Duke of Sussex says the term was created by a troll to describe their decision to quit royal duties, which was then amplified by the press Prince Harry has said the word “Megxit”, used by the British press to describe the decision by him and his wife Meghan to quit their royal duties, was a misogynistic term. He said the word was an example of online and media hatred. “Maybe…

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Ex-Tory leader accused conflict of interest – when he chaired the government task force that recommended new rules benefiting the firm he was employed by. ‘brazen conflict of interest’ Iain Duncan Smith is facing questions over his £25,000-a-year second job advising a multimillion-pound hand sanitiser company after he chaired a government task force that recommended new rules benefiting the firm. The MP and former Conservative party leader chaired the Task Force on Innovation, Growth, and Regulatory…

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