New job, new look!
Author: WTX Entertainment
Even the most famous faces have been there.
Valerie died from endometrial cancer aged 57.
As Warner Bros celebrates its 100th anniversary, was invited on an exclusive trip to its top-secret UK archive.
GameCentral takes a first look at the new fantasy epic from the makers of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and what is a new classic in the making.
The Friday letters page tries to guess what the Nintendo Switch 2 launch will be like, as one reader enjoys the Diofield Chronicles.
Sounds like it’s gonna be a lovely wedding!
French writer Gilles Perrault, whose “Le Pull-Over Rouge” novel helped spark debate over capital punishment in France, has died, his family said on Thursday. He was 92.
The accuser says the leaked video is just more proof she was trying everything to please Lizzo.
Look what we made her do…
Gabby’s day went from bad to worse.
Everything has changed.
You might want to keep your eyes peeled during the trip to Paris…
The rumours about Nintendo’s next console are coming thick and fast, with a usually reliable source discussing both software and hardware.
They are currently in a campground in California.
It’s giving bump-date on the move.
‘Heartstopper has always been about balancing the light with the dark,’ the writer said.
Lizzo dancers Arianna Davis and Crystal Williams: ‘No one speaks out, they are scared’ Pop star Lizzo is being sued for misconduct by three former dancers. Two dancers, Arianna Davis and Crystal Williams, told CBS that others are scared to speak out. They say they have filed the claim hoping to prevent colleagues from suffering. The legal action against Lizzo includes accusations of sexual, religious and racial harassment, discrimination, assault and false imprisonment. Davis alleges…
Ken left the station for a new show on Greatest Hits Radio last April.
Maybe we’ll see some bat-ography on Strictly 2023.
Anton described himself as the ‘luckiest guy.’
The Thursday letters page thinks the Microsoft rewards scheme is no longer the bargain it was, as one reader spitballs about Starfield 2.
There’s a sense of excitement that you can’t deny
The wedding bliss seems miles away.