Author: Frank Deux

Frank Deux is an editor at the French news desk for WTX news.

FAMILY’S FURY Monster gave Angel Lynn a life sentence but he’ll be out in two years, say family as she’s pictured in hospital bed The Sun: THE parents of a teenager left with life-wrecking injuries after trying to flee from her controlling boyfriend blasted his jail term — which will see him walk free in two years. Angel Lynn, 19, fell from a van at 60mph after being kidnapped by Chay Bowskill. ……………… FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL…

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THE most famous phrase in showbusiness is, “The show must go on!”.

It originates in the 19th century in circuses, when either performers got injured doing death-defying stunts or animals got loose, and the ringmaster would bound out to keep the entertainment going and stop the audience from worrying or panicking and fleeing the Big Top

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