Author: Mariangela Pinto

Today is International Anti-Corruption Day, approved by the UN. An anniversary that concerns us directly, as in Italy corruption persists and resists over the years. From the time of Tangentopoli. Indeed, it has spread further since then. The infinite Tangentopoli for one Italian out of two. We remain the country of the corrupt

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Genoa — «We ​​did not expect such a stir, despite realizing the importance of the Festival in Italian society. But let me underline one thing: we are telling thousands of beach establishment managers that they have to compete and for a public good that is worth millions and millions, why should it be different?”. The president of the TAR: “The tender for the Sanremo Festival like the one for the beaches, Europe is asking for…

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Just over 3 percent of the eight thousand damaged people decided to take civil action. And the municipality of Ostra, where there were five victims, is excluded from the disaster areas The Flood in the Marche, trial begins. But only 250 ask for damages: “Distrust in justice”

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It was 7 December 1951 and the great Victor De Sabata had decided that that year the premiere at La Scala would be on the day of Sant’Ambrogio, patron saint of Milan, rather than the usual 26 December. Opening the season was Verdi’s I Vespri Siciliani. On the podium the director from Trieste, with the “Freudian” Herbert Graf directing. La Scala has become one of the premier opera houses in Europe. In the role -…

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What would the Sanremo Festival be… without Sanremo? Liguria could lose almost 6 million in direct revenue during the five days of the event if the Kermesse migrated elsewhere. In the last two years the Festival has generated a turnover of almost 400 million, 186 in 2023 and 205 in 2024 of which over 70 million in added value (comparable to the GDP), according to the company Ey (formerly Ernst & Young) which it is…

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«I no longer exist – he says – if she meets me with someone give me life imprisonment. I don’t date anyone anymore.” At half past twelve, the mafia boss Franco Bonura returns home, to Via Ausonia, accompanied by a factotum. «Good morning, can I ask you some questions?», I ask him. Bonura, the free boss: “If I meet anyone, give me a life sentence”. And he says to the reporter: “Don’t write”

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CAGLIARI – Two spouses, a 79-year-old man and an 82-year-old woman, were found dead in their apartment in Cagliari. It was the 44-year-old son who called the police when he found his parents’ bodies in the house in Via Ghibli. The medical examiner, from an initial inspection, ruled out that the death was due to violent causes and there were no signs of forced entry. To clarify the circumstances of the two deaths, the house…

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CROTONE – The Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Crotone Operations Department have arrested, in execution of a precautionary custody order in prison from the investigating judge, four family members of Francesco Chimirri, the 44-year-old killed on 7 October last by a gunshot fired by the deputy police inspector Giuseppe Sortino after having witnessed a road accident caused by the victim. They are under investigation for the beating of the policeman and accused, for…

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Interview with the Turin businesswoman who was accused of betrayal at a party by her partner: “I have been defamed by many keyboard lions. The prosecutor is wrong if he asks to dismiss” Cristina Seymandi: “Do not acquit those who spread hatred online. The violence begins there”

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On 8 December, the day of Sant’Ambrogio, the largest ski area in the world turns 50. The Dolomiti Superski, around the Sella Group between Alto Adige, Veneto and Trentino, was born at the end of 1974 at the table of a hotel in Corvara, in Val Badia. Sandro Lazzari: “That pact born at the table, so 50 years ago we created the grand ski tour”

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«We are imagining the component where the aeronautical activities will be concentrated in Turin Caselle». With these words, pronounced before the Foreign Affairs and Defense Commission of the Senate, trails of future for the aeronautics and aerospace sector begin to emerge above the skies of Turin. Leonardo brings the new super-fighter of the three-way alliance to Turin

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«We are faced with a law of the sea that is leaking from all sides», Oscar Camps, the founder of Open Arms, the NGO which has filed a civil action against the former Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, does not mince his words. accused in Palermo of kidnapping for keeping 147 migrants stranded on a ship in August 2019. Oscar Camps: “The flows decree, a law of the sea that leaks from all sides”

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It is one of the mysteries of naval history: the fate of the crew of the Mary Celeste remains shrouded in fog. The brig had sailed from New York Harbor in early November 1872 with ten people on board, bound for Genoa. The sailing ship was found a few weeks later, on December 5, adrift in the middle of the Atlantic, off the coast of the Azores. Its commercial cargo – alcohol, above all –…

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“Not recognizing stalking is a lack of respect for the victim’s family. And it is yet another confirmation that the institutions don’t care about women.” Elena Cecchettin, Giulia’s sister, returns to talk on social media. This time he does it on the first degree sentence that sentenced Filippo Turetta to life imprisonment. Judgment and reality are not the same thing “A judicial sentence does not always correspond to the reality of the facts – Elena…

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Two years ago, on January 11th, Lorenza Olcese woke up and stopped talking. “Suddenly, the sentences weren’t coming out. My son came home, and I wasn’t responding.” Lorenza is 62 years old, she worked with her husband in the family business, they sell air conditioners. disability day lorenza olcese stroke for therapies years waiting

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Today’s almanac, December 4 On December 4, 1977 Jean-Bédel Bokassa, also known as Bokassa I, crowned himself emperor of Central Africa in 1977. For the ceremony he emptied the state coffers for the ceremony, building a 2-ton eagle-shaped throne. He was well-known crimes and extravagances, but also served as the president. He became the second president of the Central African Republic (CAR) after seizing power in the Saint-Sylvestre coup d’état on 1 January 1966. An…

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«Let’s meet at the Santoro bar – he says on the phone – in a quarter of an hour». Santino Di Matteo, the justice collaborator who first revealed the secrets of the Capaci massacre, avoids staying in one place for too long. He has been out of the protection program for years now, and the State has never forgiven him for returning to Sicily in 1994 to look for his son Giuseppe, who had been…

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Venice — Before being accompanied to the third floor of the Verona prison, in the section dedicated to sex offenders, in the cell he shares with another inmate, Filippo Turetta has time to talk to those who follow him every day. He spent a whole day in court. He awaited the verdict against him in an isolated courtroom, surrounded by prison police officers, where he spent all six hours of the judges’ chambers. Finally he…

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VENICE – It’s sentencing day. Today Filippo Turetta, 22 years old, on trial for the feminicide of his ex-girlfriend Giulia Cecchettin, will be before the Court of Assizes of the Venice court to hear the verdict. It is the fifth and final hearing of a lightning trial. Filippo Turetta, today the sentence in the trial for the murder of Giulia Cecchettin

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A recent YouGov survey certifies it: traditional fish and chips are still the second most popular dish in the United Kingdom… surpassed only by French fries alone. If cod has existed in the British Isles since the dawn of time, the love story with the potato has a beginning date: some sources date the arrival of the precious tuber in England to 3 December 1586. Sir Thomas Harriot, astronomer and mathematician, brought it from the…

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From green to grey. Every second 2.3 square meters of Italy lose color. 20 hectares per day are fading. In all of 2023, 72.5 square kilometers went from looking natural to the drab shade of concrete. The march of roads, roofs, car parks, construction sites and warehouses has proceeded inexorably since, in 2006, Ispra began regular monitoring of land consumption in Italy. Two square meters disappeared per second, Italy devoured by concrete

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