Author: UK News

The Sun – Football charter leaked Summary of the front page The Sun splashes on football and claims that dodgy owners will be blocked from getting hold of our footie teams under a huge clean-up. The front page says it’s the “biggest shake up to football ownership in years”. The paper says it has seen a leaked government paper which proposes to block multi-millionaires who cannot prove the source of their wealth from owning football teams. The Football White Paper could be published as early as next week, the story says, adding that Culture Secretary Michelle Donelan wants a new…

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Today’s news summary – Paper Talk Thursday’s front pages lead with a variety of stories, from an investigation into British gas to the latest from the Conservative party. Several of the papers feature images of striking teachers, a day after Britain experienced its biggest industrial action in decades. Striking teachers The Daily Telegraph is one of the papers that features an image of striking teachers. “Schools out – and no homework” is how the paper headlines the story. The Daily Mail says ministers are planning a new law to stop what it calls the “school strike mayhem”. Whilst the Metro…

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