AI imagined what Vladimir Putin might look like if he is still in power in 2036 (Picture: Social media/e2w)
Artificial intelligence has given a possible glimpse into Russia’s future with a frosty-looking Vladimir Putin pictured still hanging onto power more than a decade away.
The Russian president, who has held continuous positions of the highest authority since 1999, has been subject to a dozens of rumours about his health in recent years.
The most recent claims include that he had suffered heart problems and was employing body doubles to appear in the public eye.
However this AI image shows him digitally aged to predict what he could look like alive and well in 2036 and still in control – when he would then be aged 84.
Putin seemed sprightly and good-humoured in a recent video which shows him dressing down one of his own ministers.
The appearance may signal to some that the notoriously stubborn dictator intends to stay in office for as long as possible – with elections looming in 2024.
The Russian president, 71, was caught on camera speaking to his ambitious agriculture minister Dmitry Patrushev, 46.
The Russian president pictured during a meeting at the Kremlin, in Moscow on Tuesday (Picture: AP)
The Russian president cracked a wry smile as he spoke to his agriculture minister on a recent video call
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Putin raged against a recent spike in the cost of meat which has hit the Federation.
It comes as, like many in the West, consumers face a cost of living crisis which has been deepened by the president’s continuing war against neighbouring Ukraine.
Patrushev appeared at an online government meeting talking to Putin from a farm – complete with animal noises in the background echoing into the video call.
‘That you are talking to us from a chicken coop is great, it enlivens our work,’ said the dictator.
‘But why has poultry become so expensive?
‘Prices have risen by more than 27% since the beginning of the year.’
Patrushev replied: ‘Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin], we are working on the issue.’
What Putin, right, looked like in May 2015 (Picture: AFP via Getty Images)
It has been speculated upon recently that Putin may have been using body doubles to cover up his ill health (Picture: Reuters)
Then Putin demanded imports from Belarus and Kazakhstan to lower prices.
Patrushev hit back: ‘We have already done this.’
But Putin countered, directly blaming the minister for the price rise.
‘OK, but we should have done it in due time,’ he said.
‘Then there would not have been such growth [in prices].’
Putin often resorts to publicly humiliating his ministers to demonstrate to Russians that he remains in charge of his regime.
Patrushev is the son of Kremlin ‘grey cardinal’ Nikolai Patrushev, 72, Putin’s top security aide, a key war-monger and a former head of the state security service.
Some see anti-Western Patrushev senior as the real power behind Putin’s throne who, in the event of health or political problems, could step in as Russia’s next president.
Another theory is that he wants power for his son Dmitry.
The Kremlin was forced to deny this week that Putin had a cardiac arrest or any other health problem, and rejected repeated claims that he frequently uses body doubles.
The General SVR Telegram channel, which regularly alleges the Russian president is terminally ill, said security officers ‘found Putin convulsing on the floor’.
This allegation was quickly denied by the Kremlin.
Elections in Russia for a new six-year term are expected to take place next year, with the following term taking the power spot to 2036 – where the AI image pictures Putin still going strong.
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It has been suggested the Russian president could cling on to power for over another decade yet.