Games Inbox: PS5 State of Play this autumn, Quake 2 memories, and Baldur’s Gate 3 accessibility
The Wednesday letters page is frustrated at the lack of DC Comics games in recent years, as one reader hopes for Silent Hill 2 at Gamescom.
The Guardian splash on the admission from the chief of the Police Service of Northern Ireland that Republican paramilitary groups have got their hands on the information leaked in a data breach last week.
Simon Byrne is quoted saying that it is the force’s “planning assumption” that dissidents will use the list to “generate fear and uncertainty as well as intimidating or targeting officers”.
The front page features a large image of Hawaii’s wildfire disaster.
The Wednesday letters page is frustrated at the lack of DC Comics games in recent years, as one reader hopes for Silent Hill 2 at Gamescom.
Incompatible chargers pose a fire risk.
‘The coming days are perfect for new beginnings related to your chosen job or career.’
‘As it’s put on a global scale, they’re going to need a lot more pastoral care, media training.’
Gregg wants to inspire others to follow in his footsteps.
‘I need more babies.’
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