Get ready for a new month (Picture: Getty/
The recent New Moon in Taurus was all about laying groundwork, from making a start on big, daunting projects to putting the effort into flourishing relationships.
The reaping stage will move towards sowing early on in June, when the Full Moon in Sagittarius signals socialising and enjoying the fruits of your labour.
We’re currently in Gemini season; also a fun-filled time where parties and events are in no short supply. Basically, expect your schedule to fill up even further throughout the month, with the arrival of Cancer season on June 21 calming things down somewhat.
Ahead you’ll find your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of June, with three tarot cards drawn and their meaning for you explained.
March 21 to April 20
It’s a great month for Aries (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Aries for June: Nine of Cups, Two of Swords, Three of Cups
Meaning: Happy June!
Make a wish, make a move, and make it fun whilst you’re at it. Why not? Shouldn’t life be enjoyable, after all! The Nine of Cups grants you a dream come true, a wish pass. Don’t waste it.
The Two of Swords links this to a big decision that you’ve resisted making. Perhaps you fear failure, or making a mistake, or the consequences of this leap. Whatever the blockage, get your head into this now, and get over it.
The Three of Cups urges you to look on the bright side and be optimistic. You can have what you desire, without a heavy toll, and have a great time getting it. You deserve good things, you are owed some good karma. Make this choice with total faith in the outcome and set out to get what you desire, living life to the full along the way. A great month ahead.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries
April 21 to May 21
Be the voice of reason (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Taurus for June: The Wheel of Fortune, Five of Swords, The Empress
Meaning: Heal the rifts
We all respond to change individually, and we can each respond to the same change in totally different ways, causing further changes in our dynamics with one another.
That has happened. One rock in the pool has created a series of ripples that keep catching you off balance. The Wheel of Fortune reveals the changes haven’t ended just yet, so stay flexible and fluid.
The Five of Swords asks you to play the peacemaker in any ripple activities. If people are confused, seek clarity. If people are angry, seek peace.
The Empress places you as the nurturing, calm, compassionate healer at the heart of this situation. You have both the stoicism and the soothing nature to weather the storm and help others through it too. This will bring you great strength.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21
Is your mind playing tricks on you? (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Gemini for June: Seven of Wands, Nine of Swords, The World
Meaning: Stop worrying
You’ve been worried about what’s next, what’s going to happen when this phase or task or goal is completed. You are notorious for overthinking and your Gemini cleverness can turn on itself by imagining all kinds of imaginative outcomes (that will never happen).
The Seven of Wands nudges you to stand up for yourself, ask the questions you need to, push for clarity and fairness.
The Nine of Swords says it’s okay to share your worries too. People don’t expect you to be infallible. People can help you through this.
The World reveals it’s just a situation running its course, coming to a conclusion, winding up. All it means is that a shiny new beginning lies ahead, something fresh and inspiring is coming. Don’t worry about it, believe in it and start looking for it
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini
June 22 to July 23
There’s a fire in your belly this June (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Cancer for June: Eight of Coins, Two of Coins, Queen of Wands
Meaning: Expand and develop
You are going to receive a complete power surge this June, a burst of energy, passion and intention which you must be ready for and put into the right projects or roles or relationships.
The Eight and Two of Coins urge you to keep going, persist, take on more in fact, and trust that you can handle everything you’re putting on your plate. This is a season to expand and develop and take on extra, not cut back or streamline. Be abundant!
The Queen of Wands shows the power and passion this extra activity and busyness will generate. You feel good by doing good. You feel strong when you act strong. The more doors you open, the more opportunities will come your way naturally and easily. Behind every door opened is a whole new corridor filled with even more doors. Keep opening them!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer
July 24 to August 23
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down… (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Leo for June: King of Wands, Knight of Cups, Six of Swords
Meaning: Find the fun
Something that used to be fun, make you smile, and provide a source of entertainment and joy is not working so well any longer, and it’s time to make a change. We all evolve. What we liked doing at 18 is certainly not the same thing as when we’re in our 30s or 50s. Let it go.
The Knight of Cups and Six of Swords show that your tastes and pleasure-seeking go-tos are shifting. This is interesting and exciting because it means greater fulfilment and rewards lie ahead when you acknowledge this shift and act upon it. Look for new hobbies, play mates, social activities, and events.
Make June, with the bold and vibrant King of Wands, a month of experimentation. Seek out as many new activities and places and people as possible and find out what brings you joy thesedays… and stick to it!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo
August 24 to September 23
Virgo, keep on truckin’ (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Virgo for June: Three of Coins, Nine of Cups, Strength
Meaning: Fantastic progress
June can be amazing, Virgo, and all you need to do is to have faith in your abilities, go for your ambitions, and prove yourself. You can do this! Fake it till you make it, if necessary, but the real you will show up and make your dreams come true. Force the momentum and then let it flow.
The Three of Coins shows that others like what they see of you recently and are in a position to offer you rewards, promotion, broader scope, opportunity. Be visible. Gravitate to people with influence.
The Nine of Cups promises you can have whatever you wish for, if you’re overt and direct about what it is. The Universe is ready to grant you a wish.
Strength reveals there may be a challenge or obstacle to overcome, but you can do it. And this whole chapter will leave you feeling so confident and proud.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo
September 24 to October 23
Have difficult conversations and watch your bond grow deeper (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Libra for June: Ten of Cups, The Chariot, Justice
Meaning: Relationship progress
Now is the time to invest wholeheartedly in your love life – or family or closest relationship if your love life is currently dormant (although, if you’re single, look out for Water signs – Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio).
The Ten of Cups promises a happy-ever-after. Major forces are at work and you need to align with both.
Firstly, The Chariot. Have a purpose, an objective, an aligned vision of where this relationship is heading and what you’re both working on together and building for the future. You are a team. Make a team plan!
Secondly, Justice shows you need to clear the air about any past grievances or imbalances or wounds. Let them heal, process feelings, make amends, say your piece, hear their truth. With distance comes greater objectivity and greater appetite to be honest and admit where you went wrong. Get it all out and put it all behind you. Wonderful relationship progress possible this June.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra
October 24 to November 22
This hard work will be worth it (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Scorpio for June: Five of Wands, King of Swords, Nine of Wands
Meaning: A worthy battle
Whatever feels hard or fills you with dread right now, know that, this time next month, it will all be behind you and you’re going to crack this case. Guess what – it’s going to be a lot easier and smoother than you think too.
The Five and Nine of Wands shows you’re in a pickle. You have gotten caught up in something tricky and feel thwarted or frustrated about how you get out of it. But get out of it you will!
How? Well, the King of Swords provides the answer. Look far into the future. Figure out how important this is in terms of a year’s time. Will you still be thinking on it? If not, then stop worrying so much and get extricate yourself, write it off, withdraw.
If there’s a solution you know you need to get to, in time, then start putting down the foundation for that now. Think ahead, think about the long game, and then work back to the necessary steps you need to take now.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio
November 23 to December 21
Look at your schedule and see where you can streamline (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Sagittarius for June: The Empress, Temperance, The Hermit
Meaning: Happy home
A trio of major arcana cards prompt an important month ahead – are you ready for positive progress and change? Good!
The Empress reveals your love life is under the spotlight, as well as your home and family. The place that you feel most safe, secure, and appreciated. Focus here this June. Focus on those you love and who nurture you. Build an even happier home!
Temperance reveals there are changes in your world you need to address, reflect and adapt to in the home. Maybe new work patterns, family schedules, dynamics, or different people being included. Make a conscious pause to think about the necessary tweaks and make them.
The Hermit shows it’s down to you. This task falls on your shoulders as you’re the smart, empathetic one who can see what’s needed. It’s serious but not negative. It’s important but not pressurised. The impact of these tweaks will be immediate and enormously rewarding. You love being happy at home.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius
December 22 to January 21
You are your friends, Cap (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Capricorn for June: Five of Coins, Seven of Swords, Nine of Coins
Meaning: Update your circle
Do you know that you’re the sum of the five people you spend most time with? We all gravitate towards the level and baseline of the people who influence us the most. Are those five inspiring and positive and uplifting? Or not? Think carefully.
The Five of Coins shows some people may’ve let you down or been unkind in the past and perhaps just deserve a slight bit of arm’s length. The Seven of Swords suggests some are not as wholesome or kind as you hope (and, deep down, you know it). Again, arm’s length.
The Nine of Coins recommends making a few tweaks to your circle. Bring in new faces. Try out different friendships. Look for people on your wavelength and who might be able to inspire or support you. We need good people in our life, and that takes conscious effort. Make this effort this June and watch your whole life change, for the better!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn
January 22 to February 19
With every challenge comes an opportunity for growth (Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Aquarius for June: Five of Cups, Four of Cups, Ace of Coins
Meaning: A rebuild
You probably don’t realise it consciously but you have been through a long, low-key phase of grieving or regret. The Five and Four of Cups show a mood of sadness which was triggered by something you lost, gave up, or was taken away.
You handled it well, moved on, but this underlying thread of regret lingered. Sometimes it makes you feel dissatisfied with your lot now, or perhaps underwhelmed by what you’ve gone on to achieve. It’s all down to this lost thing.
Well, that phase is passing now. Take a pause, Aquarius, to process and release your feelings here and realise this happened for the best, this thing just wasn’t meant for you.
The Ace of Coins heralds a new rebuild, a fresh era, a different path. You are going to come back stronger, better, wiser, and more appreciative of what you create and achieve than ever. Look ahead and redesign a bolder lifestyle. Learn from this setback. You can do even better!
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius
February 20 to March 20
(Picture: Getty/
Tarot cards for Pisces for June: Two of Swords, Three of Swords, The Lovers
Meaning: Don’t put up with rubbish
Don’t hesitate to call someone out for bad behaviour or mistreatment this June, Pisces. Don’t sweep it under the carpet or make excuses for them. Spot it, and ask WTF they’re doing, and don’t stop probing until you get to the truth.
The Three of Swords and The Lovers can mean someone is up to no good, is straying away from the fold, looking for temptation or options which are no good for them. Don’t let this drift along, don’t be the done to. Stand up for yourself.
The Two of Swords reveals it may lead you into making a big decision, perhaps about this whole acquaintance, friendship or relationship itself. Perhaps you’re better off without them around, at least for a while.
Get space if you need it, get clarity, and be in charge of this dynamic. Don’t feel you have to take what’s offered, you can get up from the table any time!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces
Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through Etsy or join her new Tarot Club and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.
Your daily horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.
MORE : The worst matched star signs in love – and how to overcome the cosmic obstacles
MORE : The Taurus New Moon reminds you that you reap what you sow – your star sign’s tarot horoscope
MORE : What each star sign needs most in a relationship
Get ready for a new month.