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KEY POINTS – Palestine and Israel

Israel approved a ceasefire after the Jordanian families sieged the border and demanded a stop to the violence 

The threat of Jordanians at the border is growing by the minute

Thousands of armed Jordanians gather at the border ready to attack 

Palestine Israel news – 

Check out the Reuters feed & compare it to the Al Jazeera feed

Gaza Health Ministry says 200 Palestinians have died since Monday

Palestinian news – Gaza protest erupt as the conflict takes another turn.


Report: British boots may be deployed in Gaza as part of aid efforts, says The Irish News

British troops could be deployed to Gaza to deliver aid by sea, risking potential attacks from Hamas and Israeli IDF bombings, according to the BBC.

The UK Government is considering sending soldiers to land humanitarian supplies from a temporary pier being built by the US military. This operation would involve driving trucks carrying aid from landing vessels to the shore, where it would be picked up by aid agencies.

British boots may be deployed in Gaza

The proposal has not yet reached Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and the Ministry of Defence has declined to comment on the matter. However, British forces could face increased danger from Hamas, although the group has not killed any British personal so far but has stated its opposition to any foreign military presence involved in the port project. Which it believes to nefarious to the Gazans oil resources in the region.

The added danger of being struck my IDF missiles is also real, as British aid workers, and international relief organizations have been targeted and killed by the IDF.

Construction of the temporary pier and causeway at sea

The UK is already involved in preparations for the US-led operation, with the Royal Navy ship RFA Cardigan Bay providing accommodation for American sailors and soldiers constructing the pier.

Construction of the temporary pier and causeway at sea has begun, with the aim of expanding the flow of humanitarian assistance into Gaza from early May. With political commentators in the region claiming it is a ploy to start pillaging natural resources in the region.

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps emphasized the importance of establishing more routes for vital aid to reach the people of Gaza, in coordination with the US and international allies.

Israel has received criticism for genocide

Israel has faced criticism for genocide but also for starving the population of Gaza. Israel controls all the exits and entries into Gaza, in what the UN calls ‘the largest open air prison in the world’. The main issue is that israel will not allow enough aid across its land borders safely and without fear of being targeted.

Earlier this month Israel killed 3 British aid in a targeted premeditated attack on aid workers in Gaza. causing outrage in the UK, with some ministers calling for a stop to aid and arms to the IDF.

Netanyahu vows to reject any US sanctions on Israeli army
Top US colleges struggle with widening Gaza protests
UN ‘horror’ at mass grave at hospitals in Gaza

Aid workers have expressed the risks of ‘being like a lottery’, when attempting to transport aid into Gaza. After killing 7 western aid workers the IDF has promised to open more crossings, including its port in Ashdod, to process aid shipments bound for Gaza.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has resulted in a high death toll and widespread famine in Gaza. Over 40 thousand Palestinians have been killed and buried in mass graves in Gaza, in the worst genocide in the modern era, as well several thousand in the West Bank.

The international community is working to provide much-needed aid into Palestine, despite the risks involved in delivering it by sea.

Ambulances in Gaza ‘chasing explosions looking for casualties’ after blackout

Palestinian and United Nations as well some European nations and health authorities have described current situation in Gaza as ‘genocide’

Palestinian authorities say the ongoing comms blackout in Gaza has left emergency responders chasing the sounds of missile strikes in Palestine to locate people in need of help. 

Israel’s decision to sever most communication networks in the Gaza Strip has meant residents are without means of contacting medical personnel amid the Israel Defence Militia’s continued bombardment of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Nepal Farsakh, a spokesperson for the Palestinian Red Crescent, said ambulance teams are now simply listening out for artillery barrages and airstrikes to locate possible sites at which people may be in need of medical attention.

Several news organisations, including the Washington Post and Al-Jazeera, also say they are currently unable to make contact with their reporters on the ground, while Reuters and the Associated Press have been told Israeli authorities cannot guarantee the safety of the agencies’ staff in the area.

Almost 30 press workers have been killed since the fighting started earlier this month.

The new war between Israel and Palestinian militant groups including Hamas and Islamic Jihad has now raged on for 21 days. 

According to Israeli authourities approximately 1,200 people in Israel have been killed, but Isralei Haaretz newspaper says the actual figure is closer to 600, claiming hundredds have been killed by the Israeli IDF militia when trying to eliminate Hamas & Palestinians.

Some 8,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians and among them reportedly over 3,000 children, have been killed by the Israeli militia amid the Israeli invasion of Gaza. With bombing and air raids taking place at night, cut off from the world and any  

Hamas is also thought to be holding less than 100 hostages, with the Israeli newspapers saying teh IDF has bombed over a 100 Israeli Hostages, including the burnt baby bodies shared by the IDF. 

Last night, the invading Israeli militia advised civilians in the northern part of Gaza to make their way to the south of the territory, as the IDF announced a widening of its operations against the resistance in Gaza. Watch the live video of the explosions through teh night in Gaza in civilian areas. 

The wife and two children of Al Jazeera reporter in the Gaza Strip, Wael al-Dahdouh (centre), were killed in an Israeli airstrike on Wednesday (Picture: Getty Images)

Many believe this most recent development may well signal the imminent launch of Israel’s long-promised ground incursion.

Israeli forces had previously only conducted smaller-scale raids into Gaza amid the bombardment, specifically targeted against suspected Hamas positions.

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said in statement last night: ‘We attacked above the ground and underground, we attacked terror operatives of all ranks, everywhere. 

London protestors take over the capital as thousands gather in the rain to peacefully protest agianst the Israeli genocide in Palestine

Let’s make it clear, ISrael is losing, its losing the massive PR campign to turn Israel into a victim. The footsteps of protestors in London, and many other cities show the massive opposition and sentiment that is being buiolt up against the west and Israel. People are sick of the lies propelled by mainstream media.

‘The operation will continue until a new order.’

It comes as international governmental agencies and aid organisations continue to decry what has been widely condemned as a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

Recently A Palestine official had the perfect response to those claiming Corbyn ‘refused to condemn Hamas’

Palestinian health authorities have described current situation as ‘genocide’. 

BREAKING NEWS: Israel and Hamas agree ceasefire

Israel has approved a unilateral ceasefire to put an end to an 11-day military offensive operation in the Gaza Strip, which was confirmed by a Hamas official and Israeli media.

A Hamas official told Reuters that Hamas and Israel will enter a “mutual and simultaneous” truce from 2 am on Friday (11 pm GMT Thursday).

Israeli media reported that Benjamin Netanyahu’s security cabinet had approved the truce, on the basis of what one official was quoted as calling “quiet in exchange for quiet”.

On Thursday in one last push, before the ceasefire, the Israeli army fired more than 100 airstrikes that targeted Hamas infrastructure in the north of Gaza. According to the Israeli army, Hamas infrastructure includes hospitals, apartment buildings and basements of civilian homes.

Israel and Hamas agree on a ceasefire

In the last 11 days, the siege on Gaza has been relentless, rocket fire, drone bombing and a military ground offensive. The world has witnessed this latest siege, which is an act of genocide, ethnic cleansing.

  • Israel has usurped Palestinians from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah
  • Killed over 240 civilian Palestinians, 70% of them were women and children
  • Shot babies/toddlers with rubber bullets
  • SIlenced and intimidated journalists
  • Bombed Al Jazeera headquarters in Palestine
  • Bombed Associated Press (AP) in Palestine
  • Destroyed housing complexes
  • Bombed at least 2 hospitals

During this siege, the United States President, Joe Biden and his Democratic Party have once again blocked efforts at the UN Security Council to issue a statement calling on Israel to stop its military offensive, stressing instead its own diplomatic efforts. Speaking at the White House, President Joe Biden said he commended Mr Netanyahu in a phone call after the ceasefire agreement was announced.

In Israel 12 people, including two children, have been killed, out of which two Arabs living in Israel were killed by Israeli police.

Israeli-Palestinian conflict rages on as France pushes ceasefire resolution at UN



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Palestinian journalist killed in Gaza City – reports

Israel-Gaza reports – Palestinian journalist killed in overnight airstrikes in Gaza City 

There have been reports that a Palestinian journalist was among those killed in overnight Israeli airstrikes. 

Palestinian journalist Yusef Abu Hussein died when warplanes bombed a house near the Sheikh Radwan cemetery in northern Gaza City, Palestinian news agency Wafa says.

Wafa adds three others were killed in a strike on a house. 

The BBC was told by local sources that two militants were killed when warplanes targeted an apartment in Gaza City.

Doctors also told the source a woman suffered a heart attack and died when a neighbour’s home was hit. 

The Israeli military says it bombed part of a Hamas tunnel network.

Gaza’s health ministry says 219 people, including 63 children, have been killed there since the hostilities began on 10 May. The Israeli military says it has killed more than 160 militants.

Israel-Gaza: Netanyahu ‘not standing with stopwatch’

Israel-Gaza: ‘Won’t rule anything out’ – Netanyahu 

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu briefed foreign journalists on the efforts to end the fighting.

“We’re not standing with a stopwatch,” he said. “We are taking care of the operation’s objectives.”

He said Israel was fighting to restore quiet and to maximise the amount of time that any truce with Hamas would last.

“There are only two ways that you can deal with them. You can either conquer them – and that’s always an open possibility – or you can deter them,” Netanyahu said.

“We are engaged right now in forceful deterrence, but I have to say we don’t rule out anything.”

Israel assessing truce conditions – military source

Israel- Palestine: Israel assessing truce conditions, hoping Hamas ‘understands the message’  

An Israeli military source has told AFP news agency that Israel is assessing whether conditions are right to halt its air campaign – but is preparing for “more days” of strikes if necessary. 

“We are looking at when is the right moment for a ceasefire,” said the source.

The source added Israel was evaluating whether they have achieved their objective if downgrading the fighting capacity of Hamas. 

“The question is whether Hamas understands the message” that its rocket barrages towards Israel cannot recur, said the source.

Israel’s barrage of air strikes Gaza resume, toppling buildings

Dozens of air strikes Gaza pounded the city on Tuesday as US President Joe Biden expressed support for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in a phone call with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He essentially strategised with Benjamin Netanyahu as to how long the US should keep blocking any UN intervention.

A new front in the conflict opened as the Israeli military said it also shelled Lebanon in response to six failed rocket launches from southern areas in the neighbouring country.


US blocks a UN security council statement

07:05 am

The US again blocked a UN Security Council statement calling for a cessation of violence.

The conflict is now in its second week, with little sign of ending

The violence has prompted increasing concern internationally.

World leaders and humanitarian organisations have called for measures to prevent the deaths of residents and the chaos wrought by the destruction of buildings and infrastructure.



Most frequent questions and answers

The entire territory claimed by the State of Palestine has been occupied since 1948, first by Israel after the Six-Day War in 1967.

The State of Palestine is much different from the original images from the 1900’s

It was a united effort led by the British and then the Americans. Who are considered as Israels strongest supporters.

Signed by the Balfour Treaty – Confirming support from the British government for the establishment in Palestine of a “national home” for the Jewish people, with two conditions

Palestinians rebel against Israeli hostilities and sub-standard living conditions, in what the United Nations say is the largest outdoor prison in the world.  Palestinians say the balloons aim to pressure Israel to ease restrictions on the coastal enclave that were tightened in May. Israeli aircraft bombed Hamas sites in the Gaza Strip on Saturday in response to incendiary balloons launched from the Palestinian enclave, Israel’s military said.

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