The arrival of a cold front in the north of the peninsula was felt this Sunday on the return of the Constitución and Inmaculada bridges. A total of 50 roads have been affected by snow, especially in Huesca, Asturias and Lleida. In the main network, the worst section was on the AP-66, near the municipality of Lena (Asturias). The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has asked for caution and to reduce speed, in addition to, in case of getting stuck in a snowy traffic jam, leaving space in the center lanes so that emergency services can pass.
On the first day of the return operation of the bridge – it will continue tomorrow in Andalusia, Aragon, Asturias, Castilla y León, Extremadura and Murcia, where it is a holiday – there have been problems in access to the large capitals, especially in Madrid and Barcelona . In the capital, traffic jams have been recorded on the A-1, near Lozoyuela, and on the A-5, in Navalcarnero. In the Catalan city, there have been traffic jams on the AP-6, in Martorell, and on the A-2, in El Brut. There has also been slow traffic on the A-3, in Requena (Valencia); on the AP-2, in L’Hospitalet del Infante (Tarragona) and on the AP-6, in San Rafael (Segovia).
The DGT has recommended checking the traffic and weather conditions before starting a trip, since the cold front will continue throughout the week. This may imply that roads affected by snow are maintained or even increased. It has also asked drivers traveling in the northern area to carry wheel chains or winter tires. Traffic expects 6.6 million trips on this bridge, whose special operation began at three in the afternoon on Thursday and will end at midnight tonight.
The provisional balance provided by the DGT at 8:00 p.m. today shows 10 deaths and four injuries in 10 accidents since the beginning of the bridge. Of the 10 fatalities, one was a pedestrian and four motorcyclists, according to a spokeswoman for this organization.
50 roads affected by snow at the end of the Constitution Bridge | Spain