Month: March 2022

The latest from the Ukraine war – articles from the UK, USA, China and the Middle East over China’s role following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  

China Daily blames the United States – the article says the US is fuelling the crisis, they say that neither harsh economic sanctions or war will lead to a lasting solution to the crisis and that a diplomatic solution is the only way out. The paper blames the US and NATO for wasting an opportunity when they refused to address Russia’s core security concern. 

An Article from Aljazeera says Russia has said it is banking on China’s help to withstand the crippling economic sanctions placed by Western nations over the war in Ukraine as the United States warned Beijing not to provide that lifeline.

CNN – a leading USA media company – writes China’s promotion of Russian disinformation indicates where its loyalties lie. The article says the international messaging from China has “kept many guessing as to Beijing’s true intentions, much of its domestic media coverage of Russia’s invasion tells a wholly different story.”

China accuses the US of disinformation ahead of talks on Ukraine war reports Politico. The article says China has been asked by Russia to provide military assistance, according to US officials.

The UK’s Guardian newspaper reports China is squirming under pressure to condemn Russia. The paper claims China is having to navigate not allowing the war to damage its global standing but still preserving its strategic partnership with Moscow. 

In another report, the Guardian claims the Ukraine crisis poses a dilemma for China but also an opportunity. While Xi and Putin have pledged closer cooperation, there are growing economic ties between Beijing and Kyiv.