Month: April 2024

Many of Tuesday’s newspaper leads on the resignation of Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf. He resigned ahead of two votes of no-confidence – one in him and another in his government, which was due next week, and unlikely he’d survive. Both the Scottish and English papers lead on the SNP chaos, with the English papers focusing on his resignation and speech, whilst the Scottish papers are looking ahead at his successor. 

Australia’s newest budget airline – Bonza – has gone into voluntary administration, after cancelling all of its flights on Tuesday. The airline’s financial difficulties have left thousands of passengers stranded around the country. “We apologise to our customers who are impacted by this and we’re working as quickly as possible to determine a way forward that ensures there is ongoing competition in the Australian aviation market,” Bonza said in a statement.

“The pen drives were kept on bus seats, at bus stands and were given to people in public places like parks,” an official told the daily. “These pen drives had more than 2,000 files which included videos and photos. After a few hours, we saw these being widely shared on WhatsApp.”